eStem East Village Elementary received an amazing gift of donation to the Nurse's office! Thank you to the Kirkwood Family Foundation for your generous support! #ittakesavillage #spiritofexcellence
6 months ago, eStem East Village K6
Nurse Donation
We are ready!! Students in Kindergarten through 6th grade will be taking their i-Ready assessments beginning this week! The i-Ready Diagnostic is a computer adaptive achievement assessment that determines how to best support your child’s learning. i-Ready dynamically adapts to a student’s responses. As your child works through the questions, three consecutive correct answers will result in more difficult questions, while three incorrect answers will result in easier questions. i-Ready creates a unique, research-based lesson plan for each child, tailored to their individual performance on the i-Ready Diagnostic test. This gives the teachers the ability to modify the sequences of lessons or add new ones based on their understanding of their students’ needs. Please make sure your child arrives on time every day, but most importantly on testing days! (These are the testing dates for eStem Downtown K-6. You may check with your school for specific testing dates for your child.)
6 months ago, eStem DTK6
i-Ready Testing dates
student practice testing
class practice testing
student practice testing
class practice testing
student practice testing
class practice testing
student practice testing
Good afternoon DTJH Parents/Guardians, Check out this week's edition of The Mets Press!
6 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
At DTJH, students in Ms. Racher's class were predicting if the mass of the steel wool would increase, decrease, or stay the same when it was burned. After burning it, they found that the mass increased, contrary to the students' prediction. They used the phenomenon to guide their learning on basic Chemistry. While this is happening at DTJH, we have exciting activities happening on all of our campuses. Remember to check our Events Calendar on our website for details specific to your child's school.
6 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
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pic 4
It has been a Fantastic first 4 days of the 24-25 school year at eStem East Village Elementary! Our students have been listening, learning, having fun and making new friends! #backtoschool #estemeastvillageelementary #estempcs
6 months ago, eStem East Village K6
First Week 6
1st Week 2
First Week 3
First Week 4
1st Week 1
First Week 7
Good afternoon DTJH Parents/Guardians, Check out our first edition of The Mets Press!
6 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
DTK6 parents - Just a reminder regarding pick up locations for dismissal so that it will run smoothly! If your youngest child is in: • Kindergarten or 1st Grade – you will pick up your child and any older siblings on 3rd Street • 2nd/3rd Grade – you will pick up your child and any older siblings on Louisiana Street • 4th/5th/6th Grade – WITHOUT any Junior High siblings, you will pick up your child and any 4th, 5th, 6th grade siblings in the Alley • 4th/5th/6th Grade – WITH Junior High siblings, you will pick up your child at the Junior High (Junior High Car Riders) WALKERS are students in Kindergarten -6th grade who will walk out of our building to a pre-determined location. JUNIOR HIGH WALKERS are students in any grade that have a Junior High sibling – they will walk to the Junior High and meet up with sibling. Thank you!
6 months ago, eStem DTK6
Dismissal terms
Good afternoon Parents and Guardians, We wanted to inform you that our Open House has been rescheduled for tomorrow, July 31, 2024, from 4:30 PM until 6:00 PM. This open house is for 7th and 8th grade families. We are incredibly thankful to everyone who worked hard to ensure that eStem Downtown Junior High is safe and functional for the start of school. During open house, you will have the opportunity to meet teachers, purchase shirts, purchase and practice opening lockers, and walk the building. While in the building, be sure to sign our learning compact, complete your dismissal form, and acknowledge the student handbook. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow and working with you throughout the 24-25 school year. If you are unable to attend tomorrow, information will be sent home with your child on Thursday, August 1st (1st day of school).
6 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
Cross Country tryouts will be held next week! Please see flyer for additional information. In order to participate, you must complete a waiver:
6 months ago, eStem PCS
Good afternoon DTJH Parents/Guardians, Please click on the link below to complete and submit the dismissal form for your student.
6 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
Basketball tryouts are coming soon! Please see attached flyers for tryout grades and dates. In order to participate in tryouts, you must have a completed waiver. You can scan the QR code on the flyer or complete here:
6 months ago, Athletics
Because of this issue, we will not have an Open House at the Downtown Junior High campus tomorrow – Saturday, July 27th. We will reschedule the event once we have more information on the status of the repairs. Please be on the lookout for additional information! All other campuses will have their Open Houses as scheduled. We appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we work through this unexpected issue! We will continue to update you as we have additional information. In the meantime, follow us on Instagram @estemdtjhs for important information, forms, etc. to get your family ready for August 1st!
6 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
Good afternoon Downtown Junior High Families, We are excited and busy preparing for the first day of school! Unfortunately, an unexpected obstacle has impacted some of our back-to-school activities. Lightning has hit our building, causing a life safety device failure. This means our fire alarm panel is not operational, and it is impacting our elevator and HVAC service. We are working around the clock to replace it and repair all components to ensure our building is safe and ready for school next week!
6 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
Meet the newest staff members to eStem Downtown K-6! We welcomed them on Friday, July 19th to begin their journey with us. Their assignments range from classroom teachers to paraprofessionals, enrichment teachers to administration. You will have a chance to meet them (and all staff) during Open House, so be sure to give them a big hello when you see them!
7 months ago, eStem DTK6
new teachers
new teachers 2
new teachers 3
new teachers 4
Good afternoon, This is a friendly reminder that all students should be picked up from the DTJH campus at 3:00pm. Only students who are attending an afternoon session at the High School will be dismissed at 3:30pm. Please ensure that your student is in dress code. Students out of dress code will be asked to change or will be sent home.
8 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
Good afternoon DTJH Parents The water was restored within the hour. We will be continuing with our final exam schedule. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
9 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
Good morning DTJH Parents, We wanted to inform you that the city has temporarily turned off the water supply to our building, due to some issues surrounding the building. This issue should be resolved within an hour. In the meantime, we will keep you updated on the progress and any necessary next steps. Please note that we have access to the elementary restrooms, and bottled water will be provided. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
9 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
Good afternoon DTJH Families, Check out this week's edition of The Mets Press!
9 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
Good afternoon DTJH Parents/Guardians, This is a reminder that we will be having our 7th and 8th Grade Field Day tomorrow at MacArthur Park. Field Day shirts will be distributed to students in their homeroom class tomorrow morning. Biker shorts, leggings, crocs, and water guns will not be allowed.
9 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High
Good afternoon DTJH Parents/Guardians, Tomorrow is the due date to turn in all home use laptops, including the charging cord.
9 months ago, eStem Downtown Junior High