The goal of the science curriculum at eStem Public Charter Schools is to engage students not just in the core concepts and ideas that students need to know, but also in the practices, skills, and methodologies used by scientists and engineers alike. These science and engineering practices are outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards and form the backbone of the K-12 science curriculum at eStem:
Asking questions and Defining Problems
Developing and Using Models
Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking
Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions
Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
From Kindergarten through 12th grade these practices along with the core ideas described in the Arkansas Framework for Science are integrated together into hands-on STEM units that often focus on real-world environmental, civil, or engineering challenges. All students receive daily science instruction that involves the 5 E's of science. In addition to their daily science lessons, K-6 students receive additional science instruction weekly in our elementary STEM Lab. The eStem Science department utilizes an integrated curriculum of four main content areas: physical science, earth and space science, life science, and engineering. All lessons are fully aligned with both the Arkansas Framework for Science and the Next Generation Science Standards. eStem includes informational literacy skills in the class and enriches the science instruction with StemScope and Generation Genius. Additionally, science instruction at eStem incorporates the College and Career Readiness Standards as outlined by the ACT. Curriculum materials are based on peer-reviewed, data-driven content curated from a number of sources including National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), IXL, TCI, and the Arkansas STEM Coalition.