It's not too late for your child to get a message to their "crush". You can purchase these on MySchoolBucks or in the main office. The eTeam will also be setup tomorrow during lunch for purchases to be made.
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Candy Grams
Downtown parents-- Don't forget the eTeam general meeting for both DTK6 and @eStemDTJHS is Tuesday, February 12 from 5:30-6:30 in the DTJH multi-purpose room. Join us to learn more about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
We love our guidance counselor, Mrs. Knight! She is so helpful to all of our students and teachers. Thanks for all you do, Mrs. Knight! @eastvillagek6 #nationalcounselingweek
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Knight Door
Knight 1
Night 3
eHS Celebrates Black History Month! Throughout February, eHS clubs are sponsoring many activities to educate our eHS family on the importance of honoring Black History. Check out our newsletter for more info!
almost 6 years ago, eStem High School
Future Scientist at “work” @estemhighpcs
almost 6 years ago, eHS Exceptional Learners
Students Learning how to use a microscope
Mrs. Dorsey's Psychology students working on interpreting data from surveys. @eStemHighPCS
almost 6 years ago, eHS Social Studies Department
Psychology students interpreting data from surveys!
The 9th grade Lady Mets won 1st place in their conference tournament last night. Our 9th grade boys took 3rd. WAY TO GO METS!!!!
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
We can't wait for the 5th and 6th grade dance tonight @eastvillagek6 from 5:30pm - 7pm! You can still pre-purchase tickets at or in the office until noon today! They will be $7 at the door. #valentinesdance
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Join the eTeam for dinner at American Pie Pizza Wednesday February 20th from 5 p.m.-9 p.m. @eStemDTJHS will receive 10% of the sales when you mention eStem!
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Family Night
@eStemDTJHS and the eTeam are offering Valentine's Day grams to be delivered to students on 2.14! You can purchase from a variety of grams through MySchoolBucks or grab an order form in the main office! You can also leave a note for your student when ordering. Order now thru 2.12
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Candy Grams
Quiz Bowl season is almost here! The high school Quiz Bowl team travels to Springdale next weekend! @eStemHighPCS
almost 6 years ago, eHS Social Studies Department
Senior Quiz Bowl captains Mayra Velazquez and Miller Bacon
Congrats to the 9th grade Downtown Mets for finishing 3rd & the Lady Mets taking home the championship!! Way to go - we are so proud of you!!
almost 6 years ago, Athletics
DTJH Lady Mets Champions
We had a great turnout for the Ladies that L.E.A.D interest meeting @eastvillagek6! Don't forget that consent forms are due tomorrow and L.E.A.D day is February 12th at 7:20 a.m.! #leadership
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Ladies that Lead
@eStemHighPCS Mrs. Grubel's Algebra 2 student made an Escape room to review for their test. Classes enjoyed using what they learned to escape the class.
almost 6 years ago, eHS Math Department
Escape room
8th and 9th grade parents, eStem High will be hosting tours in the upcoming months for incoming Sophomores and rising Freshman. Follow the link below to sign up for a tour.
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
High School Flyer
@eStemHighPCS Pre-calculus students made artist representations of the unit circle.
almost 6 years ago, eHS Math Department
Valentine’s Day carnation and candy gram sales have been this week. The grams and carnations will be delivered on Feb. 14th, 2019. Make sure to get yours to make Valentine’s Day extra special! @eStemHighPCS #metsstudentlife
almost 6 years ago, Student Life
Candy Gram sales
Don't forget to pre-purchase your 5th and 6th grade Valentine's Day dance tickets! They are $5 until noon tomorrow or $7 at the door! @eastvillagek6 #valentinesdaydance
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Valentine Dance
Join the eTeam for dinner at American Pie Pizza Wednesday February 20th from 5 p.m.-9 p.m. @eStemDTJHS will receive 10% of the sales when you mention eStem!
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Family Night
Join us tomorrow at East Village Elementary for a prospective family tour! @eastvillagek6 #schooltour
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6