The time is running out to order your favorite student, teacher, administrator or friend a $3 heart gram! You can still come into the office until 8am tomorrow or purchase online at! @eastvillagek6 #valentinesday #heartgram
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
@eStemHighPCS eStem’s Advanced chemistry students use lead and aluminum shielding to test radioactivity levels using a Geiger counter on uranium ore.
almost 6 years ago, eHS Science Department
estem adv chem
@eStemHighPCS eStem’s Advanced chemistry students measure radioactivity levels using a Geiger counter on uranium ore.
almost 6 years ago, eHS Science Department
estem adv chem
Order your @eStemDTJHS yearbook now for $45! Follow the link using yearbook ID Code 13314619!
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Today is the last day for your child to get a message to their "crush". You can purchase these on MySchoolBucks or in the main office. The eTeam will also be setup today during lunch for purchases to be made.
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
The Ladies that L.E.A.D had a great first meeting yesterday morning! #ladiesthatlead @eastvillagek6
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Ladies that lead
Ladies that Lead 2
Mrs. Cearns has her 2nd grade Mets Camp perform a reader’s theater for an audience of students and parents. #eastvillagek6
almost 6 years ago, eastvillagek6
8th and 9th grade parents, eStem High will be hosting tours in the upcoming months for incoming Sophomores and rising Freshman. Follow the link below to sign up for a tour.
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Tour Days
Meet our candidates for President and Vice President of our first ever @eStemDTJHS Student Council! They did a FANTASTIC job speaking to their peers on morning announcements & explaining their campaign platforms. #StudentVoice
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Student Council
Don't forget - Parent Teacher conferences are this Friday, February 15th! No School for students!
almost 6 years ago, Mrs. Forster
Parent Teacher conferences Friday, Feb. 15th
Our eTeam @eastvillagek6 has been working so hard to show love to our teachers with a Valentine's Day lunch tomorrow! If you haven't had a chance to sign up, follow this link: #eastvillagek6 #teacherappreciation
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Teacher Lunch
Tomorrow is the last day to get registered & send payment for the Mini Mets Baseball Camp! The registration fee is $36 and includes a tshirt Camp is for ages 8-12!
almost 6 years ago, Athletics
Mini Mets Baseball
The 4th grade students are enjoying and learning so much from the Crystal Bridges residency! #artinterpretation #crystalbridges @eastvillagek6
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
4th Grade Crystal Bridges
It's not too late for your child to get a message to their "crush". Tomorrow is the last day for purchases to be made. You can purchase these on MySchoolBucks, the main office or from the eTeam. They will be set up tomorrow doing lunch if you want to send money by your child.
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Downtown parents-- Don't forget the eTeam general meeting for both DTK6 and @eStemDTJHS is TONIGHT from 5:30-6:30 in the DTJH multi-purpose room. Join us to learn more about upcoming events and volunteer opportunities.
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Good evening, Parents/Guardians! The Director Notes have been posted. (Here's the link:
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
East Village is proud to open our new sensory hall! #insiderecess #getthewigglesout #ot #pt @eastvillagek6
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
We are so excited for the Spring Book Fair, Dino-Mite! We need your help to make it fun and successful. If you would like to volunteer, you can sign up at @eastvillagek6 #dinomitebookfair
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Dino Mite
@eStemHighPCS eStem students stretching in P.E before their workouts! #WeAreeStem #CollegeReadyMets #CareerReadyMets #WorldReadyMets
almost 6 years ago, eHS Electives Department
P.E 1
P.E 2
P.E 3
8th and 9th grade parents, eStem High will be hosting tours in the upcoming months for incoming Sophomores and rising Freshman. Follow the link below to sign up for a tour.
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High