@eastvillagek6 3rd and 4th grades zoom enrichment party is today! Check your google classrooms for more information!
over 4 years ago, eStem East Village K6
@eastvillagek6 Make a mandala for Mrs. Abernathy’s enrichment class! Check out the instructions in your google classroom. #msm
almost 5 years ago, eStem East Village K6
MSM pic
@eStemHighPCS We have successfully completed our sixth week of Distance Learning. There are officially 24 school days remaining. . .wow! Click the link below for this week's newsletter and all current information! https://5il.co/fiyk
almost 5 years ago, eStem High School
Let’s show off our pride for our favorite team for Fan Friday! Show us a picture in your favorite fan gear for @eastvillagek6 #EVEshowsHEARTathome
almost 5 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Fan Friday
Join the @eastvillagek6 enrichment zoom parties! There is one today at 3pm for 5th and 6th!
almost 5 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Enrichment zoom
TODAY is the last day to sign up for virtual cheer tryouts! If you have any questions please email coaching staff at estempublicchartercheer@gmail.com
almost 5 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Cheer Flyer
Cheer Announcement
@eastvillagek6 Coach Walker is challenging his students to go on an exercise scavenger hunt! This is a fun way to get moving on this cloudy day!
almost 5 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Walker PE
What are you doing on your free time? Any good books, shows, or activities we should try? Share with a picture and tag @eastvillagek6 #EVEshowsHEARTathome
almost 5 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Eve shows heart at home
Check out this week's Student Shoutout!
almost 5 years ago, eStem PCS
Lila Birge
TOMORROW is the last day to get your email responses in to tryout for eStem Cheer for the 2020-2021 school year. If you have any questions please email coaching staff at estempublicchartercheer@gmail.com
almost 5 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Cheer Announcement
Cheer Flyer
Hats off to our teachers for everything they are doing for our students during this time! Show your admiration for our teachers by posting a pic of you in your favorite hat! #EVEshowsHEARTathome @eastvillagek6
almost 5 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Hats off
@eStemHighPCS AP Students: The deadline to fill out the AP Exams 2020 Survey is this Thursday, 4/23! Please click the link to fill it out if you haven't already. https://forms.gle/U44fFGDCdaNrxnLp6
almost 5 years ago, eStem High School
This week, Mrs. Abernathy is asking her students to make a fort using materials they find around the house! Tag @eastvillagek6 so we can see your creations! #msm @art_ev_elem
almost 5 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Email responses have been extended until WEDNESDAY APRIL 22nd! If you have any questions or concerns please email coaching staff at estempublicchartercheer@gmail.com
almost 5 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Cheer Announcement
Updated Cheer a Flyer
Thanks @ARSecuritiesDepartment & @Arkansasgov!
almost 5 years ago, eStem PCS
Arkansas Securities Grant
Check out this week's Student Shoutout!
almost 5 years ago, eStem PCS
Student Shoutout
eStem Mets Virtual Cheer Tryouts 2020-2021! Please read attachments, if you have any questions email estempublicchartercheer@gmail.com
almost 5 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Cheer Flyer
Cheer Announcement
I’m sure we’re all missing our friends right now so let’s share some pictures of them!Post one of your favorite pictures of you and your friends for today’s #EVEshowsHEARTathome! Don’t forget to tag @eastvillagek6 !
almost 5 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Eve shows heart at home
The doors may be closed for now, but you can still order @eStemDTJHS yearbooks! Mr. DuPriest will communicate plans for a socially responsible pickup at a later date. Purchase NOW on myschoolbucks.com or through Lifetouch at ybpay.lifetouch.com using Yearbook ID Code 13314620.
almost 5 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
It’s Make Something Monday #msm! Mrs. Abernathy is asking her students to use those leftover TP rolls to create sculptures: buildings, to animals, to abstract art. See more instructions on Google Classroom! We would love to see your creations! Post and tag @eastvillagek6
almost 5 years ago, eStem East Village K6