@eastvillagek6 Kindergarten and 6th grade started their day by reading to each other! #readingbuddies #estemreading #eastvillagek6
PROM IS TOMORROW! The theme, Cloud Nine, is going to mesmerize its guest with a beautiful venue and decorations. Light refreshments are available during the dance. Volunteers have been notified, and we appreciate all of our donors and volunteers. @eStemHighPCS #metsstudentlife
@eStemHighPCS AP Statistics students using Statistics to keep Barbie safe while bungee jumping both in the classroom and off the roof of eHS.
EVJH Parents! There is a Parent and eTeam meeting TOMORROW, April 18th at 5:30pm in the MultiPurpose Room. We are calling on our "village" to help us finish this year strong. For more information contact Mrs. Braddix. #OurParentsRock
@eastvillagek6 Help us show appreciation to our teachers by signing up for one of the many things we will be doing for them from May 6th to May 10th! #teacherappreciationweek #eastvillagek6 https://mailchi.mp/07ba9c69c7e9/april-2019-estemevelementaryeteam
This Friday April 19th our eTeam is sponsoring a family restaurant day at On The Border in West Little Rock. Mention @eStemDTJHS when ordering and 20% sales will go directly to our eTeam to help with Teacher Appreciation Week.
STEM Soiree raffle tickets are still on sale, so don't forget to buy yours TODAY to boost your chance of WINNING! Prizes will also be awarded to students who sell 75 tickets or more! https://www.cognitoforms.com/EStemPublicCharterSchool/_2019RaffleTicketOrderForm
Our Guys in Ties do a great job of greeting our students in the mornings! @eastvillagek6
@eastvillagek6 Mrs. Biehslich’s class hunted for Easter eggs with a special riddle inside! #easteregghunt #evestem4thgrade #eastvillagek6
The eTeam presents A Family Fun Night at Third Realm Extreme Air Sports! Join us tomorrow night from 6-8 p.m. Today is the last day to purchase tickets on MySchoolBucks. Ticket sales will be cut off at 12 noon!
Here are your Director's Notes for this week :https://bit.ly/2V3vJov
Have a wonderful rest of the week!
@eastvillagek6 4th grade teacher, Mrs. James, is our staff member of the week! She is always so positive, enthusiastic, and willing to grow! Her class environment is so welcoming! #evestem4thgrade #estemteacher #showingenthusiasm
@eStemDTJHS' yearbook has been submitted and will be delivered May 17! If you didn't get a chance to pre-order yours, we still have a limited amount for $45! Bring cash or check to the main office or order online through MySchoolBucks to reserve your before they're all gone!
@eastvillagek6 2nd grade got some reading in while waiting to take their class photos! #readingisfun #classpictureday #estem2ndgrade
#DTK6 Families - we need your help with testing snacks! Please sign up to bring something for our 4-6 students who will be testing next week. Every bit helps!
The eTeam presents A Family Fun Night at Third Realm Extreme Air Sports! Join us Thursday April 18 from 6-8 p.m. as we celebrate the completion and hard work of our students during testing.Tickets can be purchased ONLY on MySchoolBucks!
Don't forget @eastvillagek6 families! Class picture day is tomorrow for Kindergarten, First, Second, and Third grade students! Students will still need to be in uniform and we will be starting at 8:30!. #pictureday #eastvillagek6 #estemclasspride
New signage in our building!!!
#eStemCulture #TogetherWeAchieve #Positivity #Respect #HEART
Congratulations to the 2019-2020 @estemDTJHS Cheerleaders!!
ACT Aspire testing is coming up @eastvillagek6! Please support our teachers and students by signing up to bring snacks to keep them going strong! #statetesting #brainfood #eastvillagek6 https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0D48AAAC29A4FB6-actaspire