We are excited to recognize members of our staff going above & beyond for our students and schools! Amelia McBryde is an enrichment teacher at Downtown Elementary. Ms. McBryde or Senorita as the students call her was nominated for her positive, uplifting spirit and her love for her students! She takes the time to get to know her students and build relationships – all 450 of them! Ms. McBryde is always the first person to pitch in…even if that means greeting the students in a dinosaur costume to get them excited about the first day of school!
When we asked Ms. McBryde was she loves about teacher, she said, “Teaching gives me a chance to have a positive impact on my students’ education. I love being able to support and encourage them to believe in themselves while cultivating a genuine appreciation for not only MY CLASS but all of their classes!” She loves working at eStem because there are always opportunities for growth, and she loves the school culture!
Thank you, Senorita, for your positivity and the commitment you have to your students and our school!