Welcome back to school! We hope you had a great Spring Break and are ready to kick off the fourth and final quarter of this school year!
Good evening, Parents! The Director Notes for March 25-29th is now available. (Link: https://bit.ly/2F47Mn3) enjoy your Spring Break!
Spring Break has arrived! We hope that you enjoy this time with your family, and we can’t wait to see you on Monday, March 25th to kick off the final quarter of this school year!
Happy Spring Break! We are so proud to announce our 2019-2020 eHS Ambassadors! We were blown away by the poise, maturity, & diligence of all applicants. Please check our weekly newsletter for the full list of @eStemHighPCS Ambassadors. https://5il.co/6x91
Third grade @eastvillagek6 did a great job on their Biome box projects! #habitat #3rdgrade #eastvillagek6
A huge shout out to Ruby Zorn for her outstanding artwork!! Ruby made these extremely creative memory game cards for her Spanish class to practice parts of the body. Check out that talent!! #creative #aboveandbeyond
Today is the very last day to order a yearbook for @eastvillagek6! We have forms in the office or you can order online at ybpay.lifetouch.com. Use the eStem East Village Elementary ID code: 13680419 #lifetouchyearbook #memories #eastvillagek6
Happy national Pi day! Our teachers @eastvillagek6 enjoyed their special treat! #piday #eastvillagek6
With spring break approaching, this gives you all plenty of time to complete your talent show application by March 26th. The talent show will be on April 5th. You don't want to miss this amazing event. @eStemHighPCS #metsstudentlife
@eStemHighPCS eStem AP Physics students use static equilibrium + long levers to determine the mass of CAPT Pursley’s car. Archimedes would be proud!
Mrs. Semple’s class works on their book club culminating projects. @eastvillagek6
@eStemHighPCS eStem AP Physics students use static equilibrium + long levers to determine the mass of CAPT Pursley’s car. Archimedes would be proud!
The @eastvillagek6 lost and found will be donated this Friday after school! The items are sorted by size and will be in the main hallway for the rest of the week! #lostandfound #eastvillagek6
There are only a few more days left to order an @eastvillagek6 yearbook! Don't miss out on a collection of the memories from our first year! Order online now at ybpay.lifetouch.com. Use the eStem East Village Elementary ID code:13680419 or order in the office! #lifetouchyearbook
eStem High School's 4A-2 Regional Quiz Bowl Champions! Off to the state tournament on April 13!
Parents-- @eStemDTJHS is looking for donations for our ACT Aspire Testing in April! Click the link below to sign up for oranges, string cheese, granola bars, peppermints and/or water for our students. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0D45AAAE22A02-eteam/56452538
Congratulations to the @eastvillagek6 staff member of the week Mrs. Poynter! She works hard to build relationships with her students and parents, plans thoughtful and engaging lessons, and works to bring in interesting and new experiences for her students. #6thgradeteacher
Only 7 slots left, parents if you would like to offer a teacher @eStemDTJHS an extra 30 minutes for lunch by volunteering to supervise a Reading is Lit study hall TOMORROW, please follow the link below https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d45aaae22a02-teacherstaff
5th Graders in their STEM Mets Camp are learning how to maneuver through Excel spreadsheets by building Mardis Gras masks.
Happy Monday ALL! Your Director Notes are uploaded. (Link: https://bit.ly/2F4vLUu). Have a wonderful week before Spring Break!