We can't wait to see your best blue and yellow outfits tomorrow @eastvillagek6 to support K-2 State testing! #estemspirit #showingheart #eastvillagek6
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Blue and Yellow
With testing fast approaching @eStemDTJHS, we are in need of snacks for day of testing for our students. Please click the link below to help us out. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d45aaae22a02-eteam
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
It’s that time again! The spring pep rally and talent show will be April 5th, 2019. The entire week will be filled with spirit day themes, amazing talent, and lots of fun. Check out the picture for the spirit day themes for each day. @eStemHighPCS #metsstudentlife
almost 6 years ago, Student Life
Spirit Day
@eStemDTJHS' yearbook has been submitted and will be delivered May 17! If you didn't get a chance to pre-order yours, we still have a limited amount for $45! Bring cash or check to the main office or order online through MySchoolBucks to reserve your before they're all gone!
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Our Ladies Who Lead @eastvillagek6 did a great job greeting our prospective teachers today! #ladieswholead #estemteacher
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Ladies Who Lead Greeting
@eStemDTJHS is hosting our 2nd Annual Amazing Race Test Prep Night.The winning pair will win a $100 Visa gift card. The top pairs in each grade will win a $50 Visa gift card! Follow the link to RSVP! https://forms.gle/3HXgrmPJyaCQqXMt9
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Test Prep
The prospective teacher tour is tomorrow! If you are interested in teaching, come check out @eastvillagek6! #estemteacher #eastvillagek6
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Prospective Teacher Tour
With testing fast approaching @eStemDTJHS, we are in need of snacks for day of testing for our students. Please click the link below to help us out. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d45aaae22a02-eteam
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Mrs. Elmore’s class is excited about going to the library today! @eastvillagek6 #mainlibrary #downtownlr
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Elmore Silly
The @eastvillagek6 3rd grade had a great time at the nature center today! #lrnaturecenter #eastvillagek6 #3rdgrade
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Nature Center
It’s a nice sunny day @eastvillagek6 to learn about how the sun rises and sets! #science #eastvillagek6
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Sun 2
Sun 1
It's not to late to reserve your @eStemDTJHS yearbook! You can still send check or cash to the main office! #Memories #DTJHS
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Kindergarten, first, and second grade @eastvillagek6 is testing next week. Let's show our support by wearing our best blue and yellow outfits to school on Friday! If you haven't already paid for cash for casual, be sure to bring your $1! #statetesting #eastvillagek6
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
Blue and Yellow Day
We encourage our 8th and 9th grade students @eStemDTJHS to go for a tour at eStem High School on THURSDAY April 4th from 8:30 am to 10:00 am. Save your spot at this link https://www.cognitoforms.com/EStemPublicCharterSchool/EStemHighSchoolTourSignUp
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
High School
Testing is fast approaching, we are in need of snacks for day of testing for our students. Please click the link below to help us out. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d45aaae22a02-eteam
almost 6 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
@eStemHighPCS eStem AP Chemistry students Anna Bertelson and Devon Mishra titrate weak acids with strong bases to learn about buffers and invader problems. Nice pink endpoint!
almost 6 years ago, eHS Science Department
eStemHighPCS would like to Thank Marvel Studios Dr. Hasaan Rasheed from the movie Black Panther. Our students loved meeting him. He taught them how to start a business. It was very informative. #CollegeReadyMets #CareerReadyMets #WorldReadyMets
almost 6 years ago, eHS Electives Department
Kenia Castro poses with Dr. Rasheed from Black Panther.
Dr. Rasheed speaks to our Students on How important it is to have a plan.
How to start a Business with Dr. Hasaan Rasheed
Welcome back to school @eastvillagek6! Kindergarten is enjoying their first day back from spring break with outdoor recess in this beautiful weather! #kindergarten #springhassprung #eastvillagek6
almost 6 years ago, eStem East Village K6
K Recess 2
K Recess
@eStemHighPCS eStem students bringing in the 4th 9 weeks peacefully! #WeAreeStem #CollegeReadyMets #CareerReadyMets #WorldReadyMets
almost 6 years ago, eHS Electives Department
P.E meditate1
@eStemHighPCS eStem AP Chemistry students Caleb Smith & Hunter Aaron titrate a weak base with a strong acid to learn about buffers and invader problems. Don’t overshoot the endpoint!
almost 6 years ago, eHS Science Department