@eStemDTJHS Basketball tryouts are next week! Girls will tryout Tuesday 9.8 and boys will follow on Wednesday 9.9! Follow the link below for the waiver and release form! https://www.cognitoforms.com/EStemPublicCharterSchool/EStemAthleticsWaiverReleaseForm
over 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
over 4 years ago, Athletics
Check out this week's Student Shoutout!
over 4 years ago, eStem PCS
student shoutout
@eStemDTJHS Basketball tryouts are next week! Girls will tryout Tuesday 9.8 and boys will follow on Wednesday 9.9! Please see the attached flyers for additional information!
over 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Girls Basketball
Boys Basketball
Just a reminder that we offer Cash for Casual @eStemDTJHS every Wednesday and Friday! Don't forget your $1!
over 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Cash 4  Casual
Congratulations to the 2020-21 Varsity Lady Mets Basketball Team!
over 4 years ago, Athletics
Varsity Lady Mets
Our Project LIT book club is back @eStemDTJHS! Join us on Sept. 24th for a discussion of March by John Lewis. Students, parents, and teachers are invited to join in the conversation, play trivia, and win prizes! Get a copy from your English teacher or on My School Bucks for $15.
over 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Project LIT
Mark your calendars for picture day @eStemDTJHS! As the school year looks different, we will take pictures on 3 separate days based on how your attending school this year. Virtual parents be on the lookout for more detailed information in regards to your picture day!
over 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Picture Day
Parents, have you checked these items off of your To Do list yet? Remember, you can find important forms, links, and information on our website! www.estemschools.org - go to the Schools tab and click on your child's school!
over 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Parent To do List
Happy rainy Monday! Click here - https://5il.co/kfch- to read Friday's newsletter from the Director. It includes some very important information regarding Covid19, dismissal and Zoom expectations.
over 4 years ago, Melissa Hurst
Wow! What an awesome (and unique!) first week of school! We were so glad to get #backtoeStem and see our students…on-site and virtually! Check out our Facebook page for a video of your your first day of school pictures - we hope you had a great first week!
over 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Check out this week's Staff Shoutout on our News Stories or on Facebook!
over 4 years ago, eStem PCS
@eStemDTJHS Director- Mr. Moore, has just published his first Director's Note! Click the link to view our first newsletter of the school year! https://5il.co/kdxa
over 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
over 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
@eStemDTJHS will be dismissing at 1:45PM today, due to the expected serve weather conditions. Thank you for your attention to this matter!
over 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Due to impending storms, all campuses will dismiss early this afternoon. Elementary and Junior High Schools will dismiss at 1:45 and the High School will dismiss at 2:15. Please contact the Director at your child’s school if you have questions.
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Forster
Good morning eStem High School Parents, Due to the expected severe weather conditions, the High School will be dismissing at 2:15 pm today, August 27. Please be safe during the storm! @eStemHighPCS
over 4 years ago, eStem High School
Check out our first Student Shoutout of the year!
over 4 years ago, eStem PCS
student shoutout
Varsity basketball tryouts will begin next week!
over 4 years ago, Athletics
Varsity Girls
Varsity boys
eStem High Parents and Students! Please check your email for an important message from Ms. Howard sent earlier today. If you did not receive this email, check your spam folder or email Ms. Jones at vakeisa.jones@estemschools.org to update your contact information.
over 4 years ago, eStem High School