Lets talk about testing @eStemDTJHS! Join our Directors along with a special guest for coffee/tea Tuesday, March 16th from 12PM-12:30PM via zoom. We will be discussing ACT ASPIRE testing! .
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Don't forget to join @eStemDTJHS for Project LIT TOMORROW, during lunch and study hall.
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Project LIT
Mets Cheer Interest Meeting TONIGHT! Please see flyer below for information. For additional information please contact Coach Allen at estempublicchartercheer@gmail.com
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Cheer Flyer
Learn more about the ACT Aspire and get your testing questions answered each week! Check out our News story or Facebook page for more information!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
testing tuesday
Tip Tuesday from @eStemDTJHS!
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Tip Tuesday
Congratulations to our High School Coding team who will advance to the All-State Coding Competition in May! Governor Hutchinson congratulated the 17 finalists saying, "COVID changed almost everything, including this year’s regional coding competition, which was held virtually for the first time. Regardless, competing off-site did not dampen the enthusiasm of the more than 100 teams that participated. All of these students are on a path to a bright future because of the work they have put into learning to code. Congratulations to the 17 teams that are advancing to the state competition in May.” We are proud of Elijah Keen, Spencer Knight, & Sergio Markin for their hard work! A special shoutout to their sponsor, Dr. Blake, for supporting them throughout the year!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Student Shoutout
Join @eStemDTJHS for our Project LIT book club Thursday, March 11th during lunch and study hall via zoom! We can't wait to hear your thoughts on Concrete Rose!
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Project LIT
Mets Cheer Interest Meeting TOMORROW! Please see flyer below for information. For additional information please contact Coach Allen at estempublicchartercheer@gmail.com
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Cheer Flyer
Don't forget, we've updated our Meal Kit distribution schedule! If your child is blended or virtual, you do not have to pre-order a Meal Kit anymore. You can come at any of the distribution times and pick one up - FREE! These kits are distributed at our East Village campus on the following days/times: Monday - 8:30-11:00am Tuesday - 11:30am-12:45pm Thursday - 4:00-6:00pm Additional information can be found on our website under Campus Life! If you have any questions, please contact stacy.awbrey@estemschools.org
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Check out this week's Staff Shoutout!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Staff Shoutout
Good evening eHS parents and students, Be sure to check your email for an important message from our Director and for this week's newsletter, also linked below! https://5il.co/qbcy
almost 4 years ago, eStem High School
Whether your child is attending school virtually or on-site, they are getting the same quality educational experiences from their classroom teachers – every class period, every day! Recently, one of our 4th graders interviewed Little Rock Mayor Frank Scott on Zoom while the entire elementary got to watch & listen. We’ve faced many challenges this school year, but we’ve also had some incredible experiences too! Thank you, Mayor Scott, for taking the time to speak to our students!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Interview with Mayor
Save the Date! Here are some important dates for March. ACT Aspire testing will begin in April - more information about testing schedules, dates, & more will come from your child's school Director or teacher.
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Mark your calendar’s for the cheer interest meeting! For more information please contact Coach Allen at estempublicchartercheer@gmail.com
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Cheer Flyer
Check out this week's Student Shoutout from East Village Elementary!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Student Shoutout
Tip Tuesday from @eStemDTJHS!
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Tip Tuesday
Concreate Rose is EVERYWHERE in the halls of @eStemDTJHS, which makes it the perfect choice for our next Project LIT book club. Join us on March 11th during lunch and study hall to discuss Angie Thomas's latest novel.
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Project LIT
Check out this week's Staff Shoutout!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Staff Shoutout
Good evening eHS Parents and Students!! Please check your email for an important message from Mrs. Howard and the link to this week's newsletter! What’s in this week’s newsletter? -ACT State Testing Information -ACPT Prep Workshops -Class of 2021 Update https://5il.co/q1kv
almost 4 years ago, eStem High School
Congratulations to Sergio Markin who was named a 2021 National Merit Finalist! We are so proud of you, Sergio! @nationalmerit
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
student shoutout