Good afternoon eStem DTK6!! Here is the link to the Director's newsletter from Friday. Also, parents, don't forget to sign into our School Dismissal Manager and set your defaults for your children. We will go "live" on Monday, April 19th.
almost 4 years ago, eStem DTK6
Learn more about the ACT Aspire and get your testing questions answered each week! Check out our News story or Facebook page for more information!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
testing tuesday
Tip Tuesday from @eStemDTJHS, don't procrastinate! Finish the year strong!
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Tip Tuesday
ACT Aspire Testing begins TOMORROW for our 8th graders! For any testing questions please contact Mrs. Thompson
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Testing Flyer
@eStemDTJHS will host an EAST Night Out on May 19, 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM to highlight their hard work this school year. If you would like to be added to the guest list to receive the Zoom link, email: with subject ENO.
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
East Night Out
Check out this week's Staff Shoutout!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Staff Shoutout
Did you know that eHS is having a consignment sale and will buy back your t-shirts?? This is a perfect opportunity to clean out your closest of eStem apparel. There are only 2 days left to bring your shirts to the school! If you are traditional or blended, bring them to Ms. Fender's office. If you are all virtual we will receiving them today and tomorrow from 4-4:30 in the circle drive! If you have any questions please contact Ms. Fender at
almost 4 years ago, eStem High School
Madison Valley, an eHS Senior and the Student Body President, is on the opening page of THV today! Click the link below to see the good news!
almost 4 years ago, eStem High School
@eStemDTJHS will host an EAST Night Out on May 19, 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM to highlight their hard work this school year. If you would like to be added to the guest list to receive the Zoom link, email: with subject ENO.
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
East Night Out
DTK6 Parents, you should have received an email from School Dismissal Manager today regarding our new dismissal system. Please log in and enter your child's default dismissal and any additional people you want to pick up your child.
almost 4 years ago, eStem DTK6
SDM info
Learn more about the ACT Aspire and get your testing questions answered each week! Check out our News story or Facebook page for more information!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
testing tuesday
Aspire Testing is underway, we will start dismissing students at 11:45! Please make sure you have made arrangements to pick up your student, unless you have spoken with our testing coordinator. If you have any questions about dismissal please contact Ms. Stafford at 501-748-9347
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Tip Tuesday from @eStemDTJHS! ACT Aspire testing has started, please make sure your getting enough sleep. Having a good nights sleep will always help your perform better in school!
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Tip Tuesday
Lots of important things going on this week and month! Here is a link to Friday's Director's newsletter and be sure to check out the images for more information on upcoming events.
almost 4 years ago, eStem DTK6
Pop up shop
Coin wars
masks and water bottles
Due to ACT Aspire testing, we will not have our regularly scheduled Tuesday meal kit pickup during the month of April. If you are unable to pick up your child's meal kit during the Monday or Thursday pick up times, please contact Stacy Awbrey at for assistance. Thank you for your flexibility!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Meal Kit Pickup
Yearbook sales have been extended until Thursday, April 22nd! Order your @eStemDTJHS' 2020-2021 yearbook NOW! You can purchase your yearbook on the Jostens website for $45!
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Yearbook Cover
ACT Aspire Testing begins TOMORROW with 7th grade! Students not testing are highly encouraged to stay home until their test dates. Mondays and Fridays of each week will be regular school days! For any testing questions please contact Mrs. Thompson
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Testing Flyer
ACT Aspire Testing begins Tuesday with 7th grade! Students not testing are highly encouraged to stay home until their test dates. Mondays and Fridays of each week will be regular school days! For any testing questions please contact Mrs. Thompson
almost 4 years ago, Downtown Jr. High
Testing Flyer
Happy Easter to our eStem families!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Happy Easter
Check out this week's Staff Shoutout!
almost 4 years ago, eStem PCS
Staff Shoutout