Junior High School Basketball tryouts will be held next week. This is for all rising 7th-9th Graders! Waiver and release must be completed in order to tryout : https://www.cognitoforms.com/EStemPublicCharterSchool/EStemAthleticsWaiverReleaseForm
over 2 years ago, Athletics
EVJH Tryouts
DTJH tryouts
dtjh tryouts
evjh tryouts
Varsity (rising 10th-12th graders) basketball tryouts will be held next week! Waiver and release must be completed in order to tryout : https://www.cognitoforms.com/EStemPublicCharterSchool/EStemAthleticsWaiverReleaseForm
over 2 years ago, Athletics
Varsity BB
DTK6 Field Day Info for Thursday Kindergarten - 3rd Grade Please see the graphic for all the details!
over 2 years ago, eStem DTK6
Field Day info
DTK6 - If you missed our newsletter on Friday, here is the link! https://5il.co/1ax0c We enjoyed celebrating our Kindergarten and 6th grade students on Friday!
over 2 years ago, eStem DTK6
kinder 1
kinder 3
6th grade 1
6th grade 3
How was your Friday the 13th?? We had a great day although it was a little warm! Here is this week's newsletter https://5il.co/1ajr7 Make sure to keep up with all our activities through our newsletter and social media!
almost 3 years ago, eStem DTK6
Roaring into kindergarten
6th grade celebration
Kindergarten bridging
Happy Mother's Day from eStem!
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
Mother's Day
Check out this week's Staff Shoutout, Mr. Thom from Downtown Elementary! Read more in our News section on the homepage or on our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/estempcs!
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
Staff Shoutout
Happy Fri-Yay DTK6! We've enjoyed a great Teacher Appreciation Week with lots of yummy goodies! We have many events and happenings coming up so please make sure to check our newsletters, website and social media pages! We want to keep everyone informed! https://5il.co/1a31j
almost 3 years ago, eStem DTK6
blue gold pep rally
Kindergarten bridging
6th grade celebration
Field Day
Check out eStem Seniors in @LRsoiree's 2022 Head of the Class! Click on the link to read more - https://www.littlerocksoiree.com/post/139616/little-rock-soiree-head-of-the-class-2022
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
Head of the Class
Attention DTK6 Parents! We need all field day t-shirt orders by NOON on Thursday (May 5th). You can place your order on MySchoolBucks or send money to the office through your child's teacher.
almost 3 years ago, eStem DTK6
Yabba front
Yabba back
I am excited to announce that we have concluded our search for a new Director at eStem East Village Elementary School. We were blessed to have a number of high quality candidates to consider. Please see the attached announcement introducing Mrs. Stephanie Franklin who will be joining our team soon! John Bacon, Ed. D.
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
Check out this week's Staff Shoutout, Ms. Wynn from Downtown Elementary! Read more in our News section on the homepage or on our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/estempcs!
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
Staff Shoutout
In honor of Administrative Assistants Day, we want to say a big THANK YOU to all of our support staff who do so much to help our students, families, staff, & school! We appreciate all you do to make eStem great!
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
thank you
Check out this week's Student Shoutout! Read more in our News section on the homepage or on our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/estempcs!
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
student shoutout
Check out this week's Staff Shoutout, Ms. Harrison from Downtown Elementary! Read more in our News section on the homepage or on our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/estempcs!
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
Staff Shoutout
Happy Earth Day from eStem! Today is a beautiful day to get outside and do something to give back to our planet!
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
earth day
Happy Earth Day/ Purple Up Day DTK6! We had a great week of ACT Aspire Testing and fun activities! Here is the link to this week's newsletter! https://5il.co/19aon Yabba Dabba Doo, Field Day '22 is coming May 26/27. Pre-order your child's t shirt in MySchoolBucks now!
almost 3 years ago, eStem DTK6
Field Day Shirt Front
Field Day Shirt back
Purple up 1
Purple up 2
Check out this week's Student Shoutouts! Read more in our News section on the homepage or on our Facebook page - www.facebook.com/estempcs!
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
student shoutouts
Parents, Please provide your feedback on extracurricular activities through the survey link below. With limited resources, we need to do our due diligence before we expand our current offerings or invest in new ones. Click the link below to complete the survey by Friday, April 22nd. You can complete a new survey for each of your children who attends one of our schools. Thank you for your participation and support! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XK25WMN
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS
Happy Easter from your eStem family!
almost 3 years ago, eStem PCS