It's time to celebrate another eStem staff member who goes above and beyond for our students and schools! This week, a parent nominated one of the East Village Elementary Dean of Students, Mr. Kelvin Johnson!
This parent want to brag on Mr. Johnson and the impact he has had on her son. She had this to say about him, "I love how my son comes home and tells me how he saw Mr. Johnson and how he's a great guy. My son knows he can go to Mr. Johnson and it's a safe space when he's with him. I can definitely tell he cares about the overall well-being of his students." We are grateful for all Mr. Johnson does to work with our students and ensure a safe learning environment at the school.
Thank you, Mr. Johnson, for going above and beyond!
Do you have a staff member who has gone above and beyond for your child? We'd love to hear about it! Send us a message and let us know so that we can recognize all their hard work!