Elementary Newsletter (8/11)

Dear Parents,

Happy Friday! Don't forget that students do not have school on Monday, August 14th! I hope you all had a great week. You should be getting a newsletter from your child's teacher each Friday with details about the upcoming week. If you are not, please reach out to the teacher and make sure we have your correct email information!

Our eStore is back online! Yay! You get to shop from home and have your items sent home with your child! In order to shop, please go to www.MySchoolBucks.com. You will need your child's Student ID; if you don't have it, please contact your child's teacher.

Just a reminder, if your child is arriving after 8:00 and will be tardy, they must be signed in at Mrs. Scott's desk by a parent or guardian. Students may not be dropped off to come in on their own if they arrive after school has started. They must be signed in by the parent or guardian at Mrs. Scott's desk. Being at school on time is a crucial part of a successful day, so please make every effort to have your child at school each day and on time.

Our eTeam Membership Drive starts August 21! If you haven't joined the eTeam, our parent organization, you still can! The eTeam works in partnership with the elementary and the junior high to support our teachers and students through volunteering, fundraising, and bridging the gap between home and school. Unlike some parent organizations, 100% of the membership fees and all other money raised goes directly back to our students and teachers! Our goal is for every class to have 100% membership. The class (or classes) with the most will receive a popsicle party! You can join the eTeam in the eStore.

Here's the Parent To Do List for you to review and make sure you've completed each item:

- Our Student Handbook is available on our website here. Please use the link below to sign electronically. The due date to sign is August 18th, so please take a minute to read over and submit your electronic signature - you can even do it on your phone! StudentHandbookAcknowledgementForm (This form includes acknowledgement of the handbook, photo/video release, parent computer use agreement, cell phone policy, permission to leave campus, & permission for Google apps for education.)

- Please review the Student Computer Use Agreement in the Student Handbook with your child and sign this form electronically. StudentComputerUseAgreement

- Our Free & Reduced Lunch Application is now online! Click here to complete the secure application from your home computer or phone.  Select Arkansas and then eStem from the drop down menu and then complete the application and submit.

If your child will be absent, please make sure to email k6attendance@estemschools.org to let us know!

- Don't forget to pay for your Community Supplies! You can pay these online at www.myschoolbucks.com, and you'll need your child's Student ID in order to create a log in. You can get this information from your child's teacher.

If you'd like your child to be a walker, please click this link to fill out an off-campus application.

-  If your child would like to bring an electronic device and have access to our school's wi-fi, please fill out the link below completely. Mrs. Walters will then provide your child with the code for their device. Students may use their devices in class under teacher direction and at dismissal. MetsConnectDeviceRegistration

Notes from the Office

·         Did you know that our school collects Box Tops?  We receive 10¢ for each Box Top turned in.  Just clip them out and send to school with your child in a baggie and we will take care of the rest.  Don’t forget to check the expiration date! 

·         If you have an address, email, or phone number change, please email those changes to Mrs. Owens. This helps us keep our records as up-to-date as possible. 

·         Is your child interested in being a part of First Arts? Click here to learn more about the program and register!

·         If you have an address, email, or phone number change, please email those changes to Mrs. Owens. This helps us keep our records as up-to-date as possible. 


Save the Date

Every Friday: Cash for Casual for $1.00

August 14: Teacher Professional Development (Students Out)

August 31: Interim Reports Go Home

Have a great weekend! See you Tuesday!